Skin Care

Blume is Celebrating Skin

Have you ever woken up to a new bump on your face and wondered what in the world you could’ve done to deserve it? Zit happens! It can feel isolating and just so zitty sometimes. Acne can really take a big toll on our self-esteem within and beyond puberty. Many of us know all too well, many adults get acne too! It doesn’t need to be taboo or awkward to talk about considering what a common experience it is for so many people, no matter our age, colour, gender, or size. Let’s not forget, we’re human. The conversations we have around acne should be uplifting, and having you join us here right now is an awesome way to start this journey for yourself and those around you.

Why does this matter?

Last month we invited you all to take part in our special activation. 1000 of you showed up to share your acne journey through our survey, or with us in person. Today we’re super excited to open up the conversation about acne -- cystic, hormonal, body, teen acne -- nothing is off limits.

  • Acne products are included in 68% of BOTH morning and night routines (self care = best care), with night routine only as the runner up

When we talk about beauty, there is no single definition, but several (and that’s the beauty of it). Your acne does not define you! 65% of you defined beauty as having clear skin. We’re hoping to melt away this statistic and show that you’re so much more than your acne or the blemishes on your skin. We see you glowing from here and we need you to see that too!


Let's normalize this conversation together!

Acne is just a part of life. You didn’t do anything wrong to have it. 64.1% aren’t bothered enough by body acne to avoid going out but there are still 18% that do! The way you look shouldn’t determine the way you feel. If more people showed up and showed off their acne, we would see it more which means we would feel seen more beyond our acne but for who we are. Plus, we’re here to #celebrateskin aka no more hiding it, okay?!

Our acne definitely isn’t the go-to conversation over dinner. It’s uncomfortable when people point it out. However, a strong 63.4% are comfortable talking openly about their acne struggles. The 26.6% who aren’t quite there yet, hopefully our #celebrateskin acne talks will help empower you to embrace these bumps, scarring and all! They’re going to be there anyway, so we may as well treat them with love rather than shame.

  • 52.3% have been made to feel ashamed by their acne by someone in their life (that’s over half of the 1000+ surveyed, and 52.3% too many!)
  • 53.4% have seeked help from a dermatologist or a doctor for their acne
  • 25.4% have had dermatologists or doctors make them feel ashamed for their acne (that’s 1 in 4 people, not cool)

We hear it all the time don’t we?! “Love the skin you’re in,” but what does that really mean? How do we love our skin and reclaim it when we feel we’ve lost control? Here are some things that our Blume community shared in our survey that has helped them become more comfortable in their own skin:

  • “Reading stories from other confident women who deal with similar issues as me and finding a new skincare routine.”
  • “By putting all natural or organic or vegan products on my skin”
  • “Hearing my kiddo still think I am pretty despite acne and no make-up on”
  • “Realizing that everyone gets pimples + beauty is not skin deep! There's also more to life than just pimples :)”
  • “Learning about how media has affected our perception of what is beautiful/attractive and the body positive movement”

It starts within ourselves!

Being confident in our own skin is undefined and unrestricted by our physical appearances or the bumps and blemishes on our skin. Here are some things that our Blume community shared about what body positivity means to them when it comes to acne:

  • “Understanding that by using the right all natural products, eating healthier and having a good self care routine can help a lot but that nobody's perfect and nobody has to be perfect.”
  • “Not being ashamed to walk out without covering up your acne in makeup.”
  • “Feeling comfortable without thinking everyone is staring at my acne.”
  • “Realizing you're not alone & everyone gets pimples. You're more than your skin and you are worthy of love and acceptance (from others AND yourself).”
  • “Coming to terms that I have acne and it's okay, it doesn't mean that I'm less of a person or ugly because I have it.”

Mixed amongst these positive words of empowerment #inspo were also some “IDK” and “not sure” that can't be ignored because let’s face it, we keep it real here. It's not as simple as flipping a light switch to start loving your natural skin. It’s a journey which means it takes time, patience, and is totally an individual process. We are all different so what works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa.

Ready to celebrate skin?

Help us strengthen this conversation around acne and skin imperfections. Whether that's by sharing your own personal skincare journey with us on Instagram or replying to another Blume community member's experience, we're in this together. Follow our Instagram and YouTube channel to see how we’re celebrating skin all month long! Check out our IG stories and posts for more info on how you can join us in this party! Everyone's invited. (Hint: see you in the DM’s)